
Showing posts from March, 2023


 Today school was good. In class we did more rhetorical devices. In my other classes I turnt in my project and packets. Im happy that’s all over because I was stressing about the work. Today is the day spring break begins though and I’m very excited.


 Today was a good day. Mr. Rease wasn’t here but we did work still. Today I also finished up my presentations for mental health. Today was my favorite day doing it because the classes had to perform skits. They definitely enjoyed that.


 Today was a good day blogger. We didn’t do a presentation today. I’m class we went over rhetorical analysis. In my other classes I just did more work.


 Hey blogger, today was an ok day. I did another mental health presentation for two classes. It seems like they love the presentations and I love that. In I did my rhetorical device test. It was a very chill day for the most part.


 Goodafternoon noon blogger, today was a good day. I had to present about mental health today. I had a great time teaching. Everyone participated in the other classes. It was a very good day.


 Goodafternoon blogger today in class we looked at scenes in movies trying to figure out what rhetorical device we heard. It was a chill day for the most part. I start presenting my presentations for the mental health thing on Monday. I’m excited for it. Hopefully we all do good.


 Today was an ok day. I’m ready to go home. I wish I could take a nap when I get home but I have to do hair. So I’ll be tired doing that. School was ok. Very tiring.


 Today was a good day. I have a meeting after school for dance. I’m excited for it since I’m now the new captain of the team. I’m hoping this heat will be great…but only god knows. I’m going to try and make my senior year the best year. I can’t wait.


Goodafternoon blogger I had a good day today. We wrote down some rhetorical devices in class and did examples of them. The rest of my classes were good. I’m apart of this mental health organization at school now. It’s exciting to me especially now that I’m learning more about why mental health is so important. 


 Today was a good day. School was a bit trueing today. I catched up on some work in one of my other classes. He gives a lot of work each day sometimes it’s hard to keep up. I’m ready for spring break though. School has been draining this semester.


 Today was a good day. School was good. In class we did the same thing we did yesterday. It was a slow and tiring day kind of. My classes we good I catched up on some work form yesterday. That’s all for now though, until next week blogger.


 Today was a good day. I’m class we worked in the rhetorical devices books while mr rease looked over our essays. Mr rease’s class was my first class of the day only because I went on a field trip. It was to med share. It was boring but it felt good knowing that we were doing something that made a difference.


 Goodafternoon blog, today was a good day. My classes were honestly good. I have some work to do when I get home. Today I’m class we made up question for a passage we read. I have a meeting after school hoping it goes good. 


 Today was a good day in school. It was another chill day. In class we read over a passage and did 5 corner questions. Everyone got a good grade on it. The rest of my classes we very good too. I can’t wait to go home and take a nap.


 Today was a good day. I was very tired the whole day though. My grade in mr Spence class has came up. Today in class we read over a passage and did some questions. It was a easy day to be honest.


 Today is Friday. It’s an Asynchronous day. Today I had a performance that was at 9. It went ok I guess. I was ready for it to be other with. Starting to feel like my passion for dancing is fading and I hate that. It’s whatever though.


 Today was a good day. We began our essay for this class. I had an argument about the negatives that social media has on the mental.  I’m hoping that I did good. I didn’t get to finish for real. Tomorrow I have a performance and I’m just ready to get it over with.


 Today was a good day. We went to hug the elementary school students today for this club that I’m in. I love doing that they be so happy. Today in class we went over a rubric and graded an essay. It helped a lot with what I should and shouldn’t do on my essays.


 Today we worked on our prompt papers for our essay on Wednesday. It was a cool chill day in class. The rest of my classes were ok. I have practice today for a little bit of time. I’m ready for it. I’m excited for the game on Friday although I’m not going my dance team is.


 Goodafternoon blogger, today we went around in groups and did a cursive writing claim and cite. It was cool it wasn’t boring. The rest of my day was good. I finished a lot of work. I turned in some things. The rest of the day I have practice and to finish my sources.


 Today was a good day. We did another parade for the basketball players. They are in the last round of playoffs and I’m hopping they win. Today I do hair I’m excited because it’s my first time doing this certain style. I’m really hoping it comes out very cute.


 Today was a slow day for me. I was tired all day. School was ok. I’m class we went over free response questions. In my other classes we did the same thing we do everyday. Gym was cool today though. 


This morning I went to oakview with my love club kids. We hugged the elementary kids which was so fun. They were so happy. Today we danced around the school in the parade and later we have to perform at the basketball game. I’m hopping the win.