
Showing posts from January, 2023


Today was an ok day. I went the the b ball game. Our boys won. I was very happy. The rest of my day was good though. I’m ready for this weekend.


 Today was a slow day. I’m my 1st pd we went over our esssay questions for tomorrow’s test. I’m 2nd pd we did the regular in gym. I’m 3rd we did our aes. Then in 4th we went over our project.


 Goodafternoon blogger today was a good day. I got most of my work done. I still have more work for my storizers class tho. It’s not due until Friday. Today we began a part of our project in mr rease’s class.


 Today was a good day. We had a bhm performance. It was alright. I’m class we went over our projects. Made sure that everything we did so far was good. The rest of my classes were ok.


 Goodafternoon blog, today was an ok day. It’s the weekend now so I’m very happy. I’ve been tired this whole week. I plan to get rest and do some work this weekend. I’ve been thinking about birria tacos all day today lol. I want some so bad it’s been a minute. Anyways that’s all for today. Byeeeee.


 Goodafternoon blogger, today had been a good day so far. School has been good. Class was good too.  I took a test in my ap us history class. It was ok. It be like 55 questions on there but today it was 40. Then tomorrow I’ll have to do two essays which I am dreading.


 Today wasn’t the best day. It was ok a lot has been going on lately so it’s been hard to keep up with work. Today we have practice. Dancing is a easy stress reliever for me so hopefully everything will turn out fine. That’s all for today.


 Today was a good day in class we skimmed over documents to see if they were valuable to our claim. The rest of my day was great. School has been ok this semester. My grades and good so far and my classes are too. Today we have  a camp. I’m excited for it and I hope it’s a good turn out.


 Today was a good day. I did my work and we had a sub. The rest of my classes were good. I finished work in them. I have practice today and I’m hoping that it’ll be good. I can’t wait for tomorrow. I are having a dance camp and I’m excited.


 Today was a good day. We read the book more. We’re on the part of when Cheryl begin the trail. It’s ok so far.  I have practice today and I’m excited. It’s been so long since I’ve danced. The rest of my classes were great.


 Today was ok, i didn’t wear scrubs today. In class we read some of the book. School was ok today. I have practice tomorrow and I’m excited about it. It’s been a minute since I’ve danced. I’m hoping it’ll be fun.


 Goodafternoon blogger, today was a good day. I’m class we continued reading the book “wild”. It’s good so far. The rest of my classes were ok. I have to wear scrubs tmr for my heath care class. I’ve learned that I love wearing scrubs. They are entirely to cute.


 Goodafternoon blog, today was a good day. It was very chill. In class we did a group assessment and it felt like a success. My other classes were good too. We didn’t read the book today because our group assignments were about researching the pct. I really liked this assignment.




 Today was ok. We continued to read the book “wild”. In the story so far the authors mom has died. The school day was ok. All of my classes were good. I’m not as tired as I was yesterday tho.


 Aloneness Pros - peace of mind, learn more about yourself, no judgement, limit distractions.  cons - lonely, no one to talk too, mind wonders, How can being alone be empowering? Being alone can be empowering because it can helps mr focus on my goals, myself, my mind, and everything’s that’s around me. 


 Goodafternoon blogger, today was a good day. I was a bit tired today. In class we actually started the book wild. It’s ok so far. The rest of my classes today were good too. I’m staying on track with work. Hopefully I won’t be as tired tomorrow.


 Todays class was cut short because we had a junior meeting. Before it was cut we read the prologue of the book “wild”. The rest of my day was ok. Nothing to exciting. I had to wear scrubs today for the first time. I was very excited for that though.


  A time when I felt my life change completely was when my great grandad died. Nothing felt the same after that. Everytime I went Uber to their house I used to see him everyday sitting in his little chair. Now he’s not. He’s also not they're when I get picked up by my great grandma. Everything just feels empty. I wanted to help him stay but ofc I couldn’t do that because god is on his timing: 


  Monday-  Today wasn’t to much of a good day. School was good overall tho. Today in class we takes about hikes and what h may need. We are going to start reading a book called “wild” that’s based on hikes. School is starting off good for the most part though.

Jan 4 Wednesday

 This year to improve as a student I can study more and be on my work more. I’m 2022 I procrastinated a lot. I don’t plan on doing that as much on 2023. Mr. Rease can do more independent work or small group work to help me.