
Showing posts from August, 2022

Today’s reflection

 Today was an ok day. It was hot in Mr. Spence’s class today so we sat outside his classroom. Today in Mr. rease’s class we read two poems by Emily Dickson. I’m really enjoying reading her poems. She’s good at what she was doing. Also, I have practice today. I enjoy going to practice. It helps me get my mind of things and stay focused.


 Goodafternoon blog today had been an ok day. My coach canceled practice I’m very sad about that. I enjoy going to  practice everyday. Today in class we looked at a poem by Emily Dickinson. For some reason I am intrigued by her life and I want to know more about her and her poems. Her poem that we read today was also intriguing. I see that she was going through thing mentally. I can tell that was very hard for her especially with her being a introvert.


 I think the probability of life outside of earth is definitely accurate. I believe there are living beings that we just don’t know about. My reaction to seeing the image of earth from mars is that we, earth and everything on earth is very small. Earth is like a little peck in the universe compared to mars. My reaction to hearing the sound of the dark hood coming from the universe is that it’s scary. I don’t like loud sounds first and foremost so I didn’t really like that. Finally all of this puts my life into perspective because it makes me think that somethings that we trip over aren’t even worth it. 


 Good afternoon blog. Today I thought we were going to have a bit of a free day because we were told to write about it, but we didn’t. I am happy it’s Friday. I feel like I need to get a really good night sleep because this week was a lot. I had to study for my chemistry test, do write a paragraph for homework, write an essay for homework, and also study for my algebra class. It’s only the 3rd week and I’ve been stressing but right now I have all A’s so hoping that I can keep it that way for the rest of the year. That’s all for today blog.

August 25th

 Todays class was a okay. Only because I was trying to pay attention and brainstorm my narrative. We listened to Keisha lance bottoms talk about rioting when George Floyd died. Listening to her talk really inspired me. I was a bit drained today but I stayed focused. Today I got the news that we aren’t having a game on Saturday. I was sad hearing that.

August 24


Free Friday

Today was learned about the three rhetorical appeals (logos, ethos, & pathos). Mr rease proposed to the class the options of having a free day on Friday. Me and my classmates have been working hard in Mr. Reese’s class for the last two weeks. We as students participate and make sure we do our work in class. Having a free day on Friday would help us regain our mental and get to know our peers better. According to Author Morgan school having a free day gives us a break from daily pressures.  We are really great students in Mr. Reases class we make sure we pay attention. Therefore i believe that a free day on Friday would be great for me and my peers.


 Goodafternoon blogger, today in class we learned about Native American literature and origin myths. I enjoyed reading the paper that we read. Also the theme of the paper made me enjoy reading even more. Although I was tired today I made dried I paid attention to everything. It was also a bit cold today. I’m happy I brought my jacket because at first I wasn’t going to. Anyways, have a nice day blog talk to you tomorrow.

August 19

On today we watched a video about identity. In the video I believe the message is that people Pitt on a facade to fit in with everyone else. We also went over our unpopular opinions. Mine was having a boyfriend/girlfriend is counterproductive. On my paper I said that often times relationships can be stressful which causes an intervener e in a students academic work. I said that because very relationship goes through  arguments and breakups. These cause stress and sadness which can affects a students actions in school. 

August 18, 2022

 Goodafternoon blog in class we talked about claims. For years I’ve been learning about argumentative writing. It’s one of my favorite type of essays to write about. We were about to do an unpopular opinions activity but it got pushed back because the intercom came on. We had a junior meeting at 3:30. After that I went to practice. Practice was great. I enjoy dancing and talking to everyone on my team.

My purpose in life

I think that my purpose in life is too be successful, to cherish the things I have, to make me and my family proud, and to be as great of a person as I can. So far I’ve been cherishing my life, making me and my family proud, and trying to be as great of a person as I can. Becoming successful will come later on in life but as of right now I am on the road to success. These purposes are the reason I keep going and they’re also the reason I get up every morning. These purposes increase my optimism of knowing that my life will get better and better as I grow up. I will not stop until I’ve reached every purpose.

Speaks of rivers

 Goodafternoon blog, Today’s class was very informational. We read a great poem by Langston Hughes. This poem made me think a lot about where me and my family have came from. It made me think about my roots and ancestors. We also looked at a video for our bell ringer. This bell ringer made me think about how speaking up and standing on what u say can have a great affect on situations that you are in. I can’t wait to see what we’ll learn tomorrow.

Today’s reflection

 Goodafternoon blog, Todays class was very informational. Even tho I’m familiar with both informal and formal languages. I’ve learned that some of the things I do for instance asking my mom for $200 should be formal instead of informal. I’ve also learned about effort in todays class. U do not have to be smart or talented to put in effort nor do you have to be those two things to be successful. I cannot wait to learn more in tomorrows lesson with Mr. Rease.


 Good afternoon, my name is Jocelyn Dodson. I go to school at Cedar Grove High and I am 16. I am originally from Atlanta, Georgia. For fun I like to dance, shop and hang with friends. Three goals I would like to achieve this academic year are passing test, continually receiving all a’s, and and turning in all work.